- Mallik Subhendu, Singh SR, Sahoo J, Mohanty MK. (2017) Mosquito Net: An Underrecognized Protection Measure against Snakebites. International Journal Of Preventive Medicine. 8:1. DOI: 4103/2008-7802.197686
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5288957/ - Mallik Subhendu, Singh SR, Nath 1. (2017) Littered Cans-Death Trap of Snakes. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine; 28(1):56-57. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wem.2016.10.002
https://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032(16)30235-6/fulltext - Mallik Subhendu, Singh SR, Mohanty MK, Padhy N. (2016) Attempted suicide by snake bite: A case study. Medicine Science and the Law; 56 (4): 264-266. https://doi.org/10.1177/0025802416659160
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0025802416659160 - Mallik Subhendu, Singh SR, Sahoo S, Mohanty MK. (2016) Ornament induced complications in snake bites: Revisiting the “Do it RIGHT” approach. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care;5(2):474-6. DOI: 4103/2249-4863.192351
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5084587/ - Mallik Subhendu, Sahoo S, Mohanty MK, Singh SR, Padhy N. (2015) Russell’s viper bite on glans penis: An unusual case study. Annals of Applied Bio-Sciences; 2(3):35-38.
- I Nath, S Mallik et al. (2019). Successful management of Vertebral Column fracture of Green Vine Snake (Ahaetulla nasuta). 43rd Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and National symposium on “Recent Advances on Amelioration of Anaesthetic and Surgical Stress in Farm and Companion Animals”. Held on 14-16th Novemver. 2019 at COVAS, LLRUVAS, Hisar, Haryana.
- I Nath, S Mallik et al. (2019).Marathon resuce of pregnant Russell’s Viper (Daboia russelii) tangled in coal tar. 43rd Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and National symposium on “Recent Advances on Amelioration of Anaesthetic and Surgical Stress in Farm and Companion Animals”. Held on 14-16th Novemver. 2019 at COVAS, LLRUVAS, Hisar, Haryana.
- Nath, S.K. Panda, S. Mallik et al. (2019).Radiographic detection of pentastomid Propcephalus crotali (Humboldt, 1811) in entrapped Indian rat snakes (Ptyas mucosus). 43rd Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and National symposium on “Recent Advances on Amelioration of Anaesthetic and Surgical Stress in Farm and Companion Animals”. Held on 14-16th Novemver. 2019 at COVAS, LLRUVAS, Hisar, Haryana.
- Nath, J. Singh, Mallik Subhendu et. al. (2014), Unilateral Maxillary Fracture Repair in an Indian Rock Python (Python molurus molurus), XXXVIII Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and International Symposium on “New Horizons of Camel Surgery and Ruminant Surgery” organized by Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiplogy, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajsthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaneer, Rajsthan, India 15-17 October. pp –318. (1st Prize & Gold medal)
- Nath I., Singh J., Samantara S., Lalita L.,Mallik Subhendu. (2011), Removal of fish hook from the oesophagus of a checkered keelback (Xenochrophis piscator) snake, Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery, 32 (2), pp. – 154.
- Das J., Mallik Subhendu. et al. (2014), Three Unique and rare surgical affections in snakes and their management, XXXVIII Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and International Symposium on New Horizons of Camel Surgery and Ruminant Surgery Organised by Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajsthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaneer, Rajsthan, India 15-17 October.
- Nath I, Mallik Subhendu et al. (2016) Surgical removal of intestinal foreign bodies in Indian cobra – A report of two cases. In Wild and Zoo animal surgery. 40th Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and International Symposium on “Biomaterials and Stem cells for Tissue repair and Regeneration in Veterinary Surgery” from 2nd-4th December 2016 at Chennai. pp- 242-243. (1st Prize and Gold medal)
- Nath I, Mallik Subhendu. et al. (2017) Computed Tomography vis-à-vis Radiological study of a Burmese Python (Python bivittatus). In Radiology and Imaging. 41st Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and International Symposium on “New horizons in cancer research pertaining to effect on health, production and reproduction in animals” on 14-16 December 2017. pp- 169-170.
- Nath, Jasmeet Singh, S. Mallik et al. (2016). Egg retention in four snakes and its successful management (Oral presentation). 16th Indian Veterinary Congress & XXIII Annual Conference of IAAVR and National symposium on “Strengthening of governance in animal health and production activities for the benfit of farmers and livestock farmers” held during 27th to 28th February 2016.
- Nath I, Mallik Subhendu et al. (2017) Surgical management of large wound defect in a Burmese Python (Python bivittatus) – A herculean task of 10 months. In Wild and Zoo animal surgery. 41st Annual Congress of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and International Symposium on “New horizons in cancer research pertaining to effect on health, production and reproduction in animals” on 14-16 December 2017. pp- 305-306.
- Mire AK, Mishra B., Mallik Subhendu et al. (2016) Infectious Stomatitis due to Slamonella in an Indian Rock Python (Python molurus). Pp-112. (Silver medal)
- Singh J. and Mallik Subhendu (2016) Snakebite: An occupational hazard in professionals in different streams. X11 National Coneference of APHV and Natinal symposium on ‘One helath: Approaches towards practice and future chhalenges’on 2-3 December 2016 held at Chattisgarh Kamdhenu Viswabidyalaya, Durg.. Pp-86. (1st Prize and Gold medal)
- Subhendu Mallik, Parida SP, Mohanty AK, Mallik A, Purohit KL, Mohanty S, Nanda S, Sindura S, Purohit S, Mishra AT, Sahoo S (2014), A New Species of Wolf Snake (Serpentes: Colubridae: Lycodon) from Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, India, Russian J. Herpetolgy, Vol. 21, No. 3, 205 – 216.DOI: https://doi.org/10.30906/1026-2296-2014-21-3-205-216
- Subhendu Mallik, Mohanty A. (2009), Rescue of an albino common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) at Orissan country side, e-planet 7 (1), 53.
- Subhendu Mallik, Mohanty A. K. and Parida S.P. (2012), Hatching of abandoned Checkered Keelback eggs and its release to nature: A case study from Bhubaneswar, Odisha; Conservation of Wetlands and its Diversity in India with Special Reference to Orissa, Organized by Kendrapara Autonomous College, Kendrapara, Sponsored by UGC, 18-19 February.