We aim at reducing the burden of snakebite in Odisha. To fulfill this aim we have joined hands with many people and organizations. Unless and until a united effort is there no work is going to be a success. There are many challenges ahead.
- The annual deaths caused due to snakebite in Odisha are increasing day by day.
- 2021 (up to May 31) – 426
- 2020 – 871
- 2019 – 844
- 2018 – 744 (Source: SRC, Odisha)
- We rescue snakes, which are responsible for the above.
- Even if the life of a person is bitten by a venomous snake is saved by medicine, the surgical complications are mostly neglected.
- People face disability, social and financial stigma with snakebite aftermath.
- Still people adhere to blind faith due to many reasons even though educated.
- We need support from different spheres of the society to counter the challenges we face in the field of Human-Snake Conflict Management.
Many individuals and organizations came forward to help the movement of Snake Helpline and encouraged us in many ways.
But that’s not the end. Our movement must not be stopped till we minimize the snakebite death in the state of Odisha to zero.
Anyone with a soft corner in heart for snakes and snakebite victims can join us as our associates.